Every department and employee extension comes with its own voicemail box. You can manage voicemail greetings and voicemail forwarding emails throu...
Each Employee Extension and Department Extension has its own voicemail box. You can set an email address (or multiple addresses) to forward voicem...
Each extension comes with its own voicemail box, which is enabled by default. If you prefer to use your device’s voicemail instead, you can disabl...
Mark Emails as “Not Spam” or “Not Junk” If your voicemail emails have already gone to the spam or junk folder, you can mark them as "Not S...
Each extension can store up to approximately 200 voicemails (50MB per extension). Keep in mind, this is an average, and the total number of voicem...
Voicemails are stored for 60 days and are automatically deleted after that period. To avoid losing important messages, we recommend downloading a...
Voicemails in the Unitel Voice Virtual Phone System are automatically deleted after 60 days on a rolling basis. You also have three methods to ma...