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I want to use my own device's voicemail.

Each extension comes with its own voicemail box, which is enabled by default. If you prefer to use your device’s voicemail instead, you can disable Unitel Voice’s voicemail by following these steps.

Important Note:
If you are using the Unitel Voice Mobile App, you must use the Unitel Voice voicemail box. You can only disable it if you are not using the app and are forwarding calls to your existing device.

Steps to Disable Unitel Voice Voicemail:

  1. Go to Extensions.
  2. For the extension where you want to turn off voicemail, click the Edit button.
  3. In the General Information section, toggle Voicemail to OFF.
  4. In the Forwarding Extensions & Numbers section, click Edit next to the number where you are forwarding calls.
  5. Set the Ring for time to 60 seconds, and click Save.
  6. Finally, click Save or Save and Close to confirm your changes.

  7. Still confused? Having trouble?

    Contact us at, call 855-888-6423 x2, or Chat with us online.

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