Each Employee Extension and Department Extension has its own voicemail box. You can set an email address (or multiple addresses) to forward voicemail messages, and you can record or upload a custom greeting for the voicemail box.
Helpful Note:
Voicemails are stored in the voicemail box of the extension the caller selects. For example, if a caller presses 1 for the Sales Department, and Department Extension 1 forwards to Employee Extensions 702, the voicemail will be stored in the Sales Department Extension 1 voicemail box, not in Employee Extension 702. Only callers who dial Extension 702 directly from the main greeting will hear the voicemail for Employee Extension 702.
To Set Up Voicemail for an Employee Extension:
- Click Extensions.
- Click EDIT next to the employee extension you want to configure.
- In the lower-right section, you’ll find options to set where your voicemails are forwarded and how to set up your voicemail greeting.
- Make your changes, and then scroll up and click Save.
To Set Up Voicemail for an Department Extension:
- Click Extensions.
- Click EDIT next to the department extension you want to configure.
- In the lower-right section, you’ll find options to set where your voicemails are forwarded and how to set up your voicemail greeting.
- Make your changes, and then scroll up and click Save.
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Contact us at support@unitelvoice.com, call 855-888-6423 x2, or Chat with us online.
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