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How does voicemail work?

Every department and employee extension comes with its own voicemail box. You can manage voicemail greetings and voicemail forwarding emails through your extension's settings.

Click here to learn more about extension settings.

All voicemails you receive will appear in your phone system's Inbox.

Clicking the info icon provides additional options:

Options include: Call Back, Add Note, Download, Forward, & Delete

 If you have added Voicemail Transcription, you’ll also see a transcribed version of the message in your Dashboard.

Click here to learn more about voicemail transcription.

When a caller leaves a voicemail, you’ll receive an email with the caller's information and an attached MP3 file of the voicemail. You can manage these email settings in your extension's configuration.

Important Note: Voicemails are stored in your inbox for 60 days.

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