Unitel Voice offers two billing options: monthly and annual. Here’s how they work:
Monthly Billing
- Your payment method is charged once per month on the same date you signed up.
- Example: If you signed up on May 15, your next payment will be on June 15, and the 15th of each month thereafter.
Annual Billing
- Your payment method is charged once per year on the same date you signed up.
- Example: If you signed up on May 15, your next invoice will be on May 15 of the following year.
- Annual plans typically offer a discounted rate compared to monthly billing.
Important Note:
Any extra charges, such as additional phone numbers or add-on features, may still be billed monthly, as they are not included in the original annual payment.
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Contact us at support@unitelvoice.com, call 855-888-6423 x2, or Chat with us online.
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