Click Here to watch a quick video on how all types of greetings work in our system.
Voicemail Greetings are the recordings callers hear before leaving a voicemail message. Each department and employee extension has its own voicemail box, and you can customize the voicemail greeting for each one.
For example:
The Sales Department voicemail greeting might say:
"Thank you for calling ABC Company’s Sale Department. We’re sorry, but all representatives are currently assisting other callers. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and the first available representative will return your call."An Employee Extension voicemail might say:
"You’ve reached the desk of Jake Peralta. I’m sorry I’m not available to take your call. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and I’ll return your call as soon as possible."
How to Set Up a Voicemail Greeting (in 3 Simple Steps)
Navigate to the Extensions Page
Go to Extensions and click Edit on the department or employee extension where you want to add a voicemail greeting. The settings menu will open.Go to the Voicemail Greeting Menu
In the settings, find the Voicemail Greeting section and click Add your own greeting.Record or Upload Your Greeting
You can either:- Upload an MP3 file, or
- Record using your device’s microphone.
Once your greeting is recorded, make sure to select it as the active greeting.
Important Note:
Apple/iOS devices prevent recording directly through your browser. For alternative recording options, click here.
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