How Greetings Work in Our System Click Here to watch a quick video on how greetings work in our system. Our system offers three types of greeti...
Click Here to watch a quick video on how all types of greetings work in our system. Your Main Greeting is the first message callers hear when the...
Click Here to watch a quick video on how all types of greetings work in our system. Voicemail Greetings are the recordings callers hear before l...
Click Here to watch a quick video on how all types of greetings work in our system. If your business isn’t open 24/7, an After-Hours Greeting is ...
Setting Up a Custom Business Hours Schedule for After-Hours Greeting When configuring your After-Hours Greeting, you can use preset business hour...
We recommend keeping your greeting file size under 2 MB. This applies to Main Greetings, After-Hours Greetings, and Voicemail Greetings. ⓘ Sti...
Why Can’t I Record My Own Greeting on My Apple iOS Device? Currently, Apple iOS devices don’t allow users to use the "Record" button fo...
Recording Your Greetings Main and After-Hours Greetings: These can be found under Settings > Greetings. Voicemail Greetings: These are spec...